Debting Checklist

15 Questions to Ask Yourself about Compulsive Debting

Most compulsive debtors will answer ‘yes’ to at least eight of the following fifteen questions:

How did you score? If you answered yes to eight or more of these questions, the chances are that you have a problem with compulsive debt or are well on your way to having one. If this is the case, today can be a turning point in your life.

We have all arrived at this crossroad. One road, a soft road, lures you on to further despair, illness, ruin, and in some cases, mental institutions, prison, or suicide. The other road, a more challenging road, leads to self-respect, solvency, healing, and personal fulfillment. We urge you to take the first difficult step onto the more solid road now.

As a next step, you may wish to read about Getting Started and download free literature

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