Getting Started

'In DA you can find a new way of living that offers recovery from compulsive debting [and other compulsive money behaviours]'

from Debtors Anonymous Getting Started 

Stop Incurring Any New Unsecured Debt

First and foremost, we suggest that you stop incurring any new unsecured debt, one day at a time. Unsecured debt is any debt not backed up by some form of collateral. Although refraining from compulsive debting may be difficult and painful, it establishes a solid foundation for our recovery.

Attend DA Meetings Regularly

Attending meetings gives us a sense of hope, an opportunity to identify with others, and a chance to meet people who can help us. [Find an in-person or online meeting]

Record Your Expenses and Your Income

A good way to do this is to buy a small notebook or planner that is easy to carry [or download a money tracking app]. Throughout each day, we write down everything we spend and any income we receive, no matter how small the amount. Do not be discouraged if you cannot keep perfect records.

If you lose track, begin again as soon as you can. We believe in progress, not perfection.

Read DA literature

You will find useful suggestions and new insights. [Read The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Debtors Anonymous and A Currency of Hope.] We also find it helpful to read Alcoholics Anonymous, and the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The Twelve Steps

We suggest that you begin by working the Twelve Steps and by practising the DA Tools. Because we did not arrive overnight at the circumstances that brought us to DA, solving our problems has required time and effort. While using the Tools of DA provides some relief from compulsive debating, working the Steps leads to recovery.

Work the Steps

We suggest that you work the Twelve Steps in order, preferably with a sponsor or an experienced DA member who has worked and continues to work the Steps to the best of [their] ability. [You can work through the Debtors Anonymous 12 Step Study Guide for DA and BDA together.] For us, true, long-lasting recovery results from a spiritual experience gained by working the Steps. [Read the free downloadable Sponsorship pamphlet.]

Step One

We recommend beginning with Step One. The sense of despair or ‘hitting bottom’ we felt when we first came to DA was the first step in our recovery. We saw that our own attempts to scheme and manipulate our debts did not work. We admitted that we were powerless over debt. We were ready to ask for help.

Find a Sponsor

To help you work the program, we suggest asking someone who lives the recovery you want to be your sponsor. Sponsors help us work the 12 Steps, use the DA Tools, and carry out our Action Plans. [Read the free downloadable Sponsorship pamphlet]

Ask for a Pressure Relief Meeting

After you have recorded your income and expenses for (preferably) 30 to 45 days, attended at least six meetings, and made a commitment to DA, [we suggest that you ask two members of DA to meet with you in a Pressure Relief Meeting]. These two DA members should have abstained from incurring unsecured debt for at least 90 days and had two Pressure Relief Meetings, and if possible they should have recovery from issues similar to yours. As the members of your Pressure Relief Group, they will help you review your situation and formulate a Spending Plan and an Action Plan.


[Please respect the anonymity of all DA members.] Who we see and what we hear at meetings and in private conversation is kept confidential. This principle allows all members the freedom to speak openly and honestly without fear that our words or deeds may be used to harm us. [Read the free downloadable Anonymity pamphlet]

If you decide that DA is not for you, keep us in mind for the future. You are always welcome. Debtors Anonymous will be here when you need it.

from Getting Started

As a next step, you may wish read some DA Literature or Find a Meeting

The DA logo is a registered trademark and DEBTORS ANONYMOUS is a registered service mark of the Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, Inc

Debtors Anonymous Australia Website © DA Australia Intergroup 2024