Other Money Issues
'Do you consider your behaviour with money and debt to be destructive? How so? Do you consider yourself a compulsive debtor? Are you an underearner or a compulsive spender, or both? Do you identify with any other types of financial dysfunction such as deprivation, pauperism, or grandiose spending?'
In Debtors Anonymous, underearning is a symptom of the disease of compulsive debting, where we do not generate enough income to take care of important present and future needs without debting. If our income is not sufficient to fulfil our essential needs, we are in grave danger of incurring new unsecured debt.
To learn more about recovery from underearning read the Debtors Anonymous Underearning pamphlet
Compulsive Spending
Compulsive Spending can be explained as an action we take in response to a feeling that we have to spend. Commonly, it is a need to spend in order to consciously or unconsciously avoid an uncomfortable feeling. When we spend despite a decision or desire not to, or spend to our own detriment, we are spending compulsively.
To learn more about recovery from Compulsive Spending read the Debtors Anonymous Recovery from Compulsive Spending pamphlet
Fear of Success
Fear of Success is feeling uncomfortable with achievement and/or success. To avoid feeling uncomfortable, we interfere with or derail our success. Self-sabotage interferes with our income-producing actions and reinforces poor working habits. Because of this, many of us cycle into periods of accomplishment followed by periods of lowered or no performance. As a result, we have inadequate and unstable incomes that rise and fall.
from Underearning, Fear of Success Visions Issues non-conference approved pamphlet; search debtorsanonymous.org for international Fear of Success meetings
Spiritually Sustainable Earning
Spiritually Sustainable Earning (SSE) is earning that meets our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual needs in alignment with our Higher Power’s will for us. This is a movement within the fellowship that supports both DA and BDA fellows alike and is represented at DA World Service Conference by a Caucus.
To learn more about DA Spiritually Sustainable Earning visit the SSE website
As a next step, you may wish to read The Twelve Promises of Debtors Anonymous
and see which online meetings are coming up next via live app
The DA logo is a registered trademark and DEBTORS ANONYMOUS is a registered service mark of the Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, Inc
Debtors Anonymous Australia Website © DA Australia Intergroup 2024