
‘We study the literature of Debtors Anonymous and of Alcoholics Anonymous to strengthen our understanding of compulsive disease and of recovery from compulsive debting’

Tool Eight from The Twelve Tools of Debtors Anonymous

Literature Published by Debtors Anonymous

‘We publish books and pamphlets on a variety of DA subjects — all of which have gone through an approval process by meeting delegates voting at our annual World Service Conference.’

The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Debtors Anonymous

‘ … reveals how DA’s spiritual principles work individually and collectively, how debtors recover from debting through DA’s Steps, how practise of DA’s traditions builds and maintains stable and healthy groups and a strong DA Fellowship, and how the DA message is carried to other debtors through the Twelve Concepts of World Service.’

Debtors Anonymous 12 Step Study Guide for DA and BDA

‘Doing Step work is the process by which we learn to apply the spiritual principles of Debtors Anonymous to our lives in order to recover from compulsive debting …  Working the Twelve Steps with a BDA focus can transform both businesses and lives through spiritual growth.’

A Currency of Hope

‘… thirty-eight inspirational stories of DA members who have found the answer to their illness by living the Twelve-Step way of life.’


Where to Source DA Literature


A small selection of free downloadable literature is available from the website, including pamphlets on the topics of Anonymity, Sponsorship, Service, and more.


Buy hard copy and digital DA Literature in Australia

Author: Debtors Anonymous

*Some hard copy literature is also available through in-person DA meetings or DA Australia Intergroup (enquire via the Contact DA Australia page)


Order hard copy DA literature through the General Service Office of Debtors Anonymous

International postage and money transfer fees apply

Why Do We Also Read AA Literature?

Members of DA also read AA literature to better understand our own compulsive behaviour. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was the first Twelve Step program and has been very successful in helping alcoholics recover from their disease. AA literature shows us how AA members have used the Twelve Steps for their individual recovery and the Twelve Traditions to develop and protect their Fellowship. We find that these Twelve Traditions are just as crucial to maintaining the DA Fellowship.

As a next step, you may wish to read about the history of Debtors Anonymous and find an international meeting

The DA logo is a registered trademark and DEBTORS ANONYMOUS is a registered service mark of the Debtors Anonymous General Service Board, Inc

Debtors Anonymous Australia Website © DA Australia Intergroup 2024